Hey Im Jeff!

My Story

Looking back today my teenage self never would’ve believed I would be the person I have become and yet a part of me knew there was something more waiting for me. Through my struggles with childhood trauma, sexual abuse, delinquency and homelessness I knew beyond the pain, doubt, and despair something greater was waiting for me. 

The road has not been easy but nothing worth doing ever is and as I surrendered to the path of my healing the change unfolded and a new person emerged.

After working as a mentor in trauma and substance abuse for 5 years I decided to make another change. In 2021 in the aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic I set out on a journey leaving Asheville, North Carolina in the United States with a one way ticket to Italy. My plan, I would stay with an old friend as I decided my next leg of the trip. My sole intent, to tell my story and share it with the world. My hope, to inspire others to find the courage and resilience to heal and carve out their own path. Since my stay in Italy I’ve lived in over 10 different countries connecting and speaking to youth organizations and schools from the UK to Romania and trading my time for accommodation and a warm meal with new friends. My journey in this has been as exhilarating and fun as it has been a cathartic mirroring in some ways of a life I once lived. Reclaiming my personal story and simultaneously rewriting a life through every leg of the journey.

It’s been 14 years since I found the courage to turn around and take that first step off the street. 14 years since I dug deep to find the courage to ask for help. Since then my life has taken me on a journey and to a new self I could have hardly recognized from the young 20 year old I was. I am grateful for every moment of it and every step of the way.

Personal Life

At an early age Jeff struggled with mental health and behavioral issues. After a diagnosis of ADD in 4th grade he was prescribed medication but his symptoms evolved and worsened. Over the next 3 years he began to struggle with Obsessive thoughts and rituals, to quell an ever increasing anxiety he could’t control. His nervous system was in overdrive and along with the obsessive thoughts he developed ticks and uncontrollable body movements his parents deemed Tourettes Syndrome. After entering high school and an adjustment in medication to antidepressants his symptoms with obsessive thoughts and ticks subsided. Instead of being cured or managed his anxiety began manifesting itself as behavioral issues, slowly evolving into vandalism, petty theft and self medicating with drugs and alcohol. Through frequent clashes with his family and an emotionally unstable home life Jeff made the decision to leave home after graduating high school. From living on the street and riding freight trains across the United States he was now at a dead end, coming face to face with memories of repressed traumas and abuse. Approaching a cross roads he found himself in the company of a friend he had met during his travels from an entirely different culture who barely spoke english. His friend was from Italy and although they shared a different background Andrea knew something was wrong and Jeff needed help. Andreas presence created a sense of safety Jeff was not familiar with and finally out of desperation Jeff bridged the gap and asked for help.

"Looking back today my younger self never would’ve believed I would be the person I have become and yet a part of me knew there was something more waiting for me."

Jeff Spiteri

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The Bridge Within: Recovering The Pieces Of A Forgotten Past

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Jeff’s In-Person Inspiring Trauma Informed speech “The Bridge Within” Teaches Teens how to develop the Courage to live their own Authentic life and use Adversity to fuel their Growth. The Bridge Within is a Trauma Informed mental health advocacy program promoting Resiliency and preventing Suicide Exclusion and Delinquency. Giving students the tools to discuss difficult thematic material, build Self Worth, practice greater Self Awareness and Self Direct their lives in profound ways.